Indian Independence

After 90 years of protesting of protesting British rule and trying to free itself from the British Raj, India won it’s independence on August 14th 1947. The years of political organizations, non violent movements, freedom fighters, underground movements, petty rebellions and lots of planning paid of as Jawaharlal Nehru made India’s independence official on August 15th 1947. By reading out the famous Tryst with destiny speech proclaiming India's independence, Nehru proclaimed India as its own nation and his role as prime minister and Viceroy in the new Union of India. It took a lot for the Indian people to get to this day. The Indian people began to rebel against the British as a result of British divide and rule policy (exploiting masses, devoiding them of basic human rights). The First Indian protest in 1857, when British East Indian Company soldiers rebelled under leadership of Mangal Pandey.  This revolt was easily put down. India’s resistance to British rule staggered from them on until the middle 1910’s when the movement picked up again. From 1918 on, India followed under the leadership of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, whose peaceful or “satyagraha” protests along with an all out effort from the Indian government and civilians gave India their independence.